Tuesday 27 October 2015

Day 4- Day 13

Have woken up with a headache, this is quite typical for me when I give up booze.  I know it is not sugar withdrawal,  as I have had plenty.

This is as far as I got writing my Day 4 post..... Stopped and decided to wait until my headache disappeared as writing was causing my headache to spike- assumed that would mean I would be  writing  again on Day 5/6...... But no my headache lasted 4 days, followed by an achy cold/ flu, just when I thought that was subsiding another headache/ migraine hit last Sunday.  On Monday when I woke up nauseated with a blinding headache, I went off to the doctor.  We discussed what it could possibly be caused by......however when I left it hit me, I know perfectly well what causes it (I think I was hoping the doctor could tell me it was something else) and I was disappointed that I was was not honest with him or myself.  Although I am prone to headaches I believe these severe headaches are caused my alcohol cessation...... They always occur everytime I quit, however the scary part is although alcohol quantity has not increased between the stop/ start process my body's reaction to stopping is getting worse.  I cannot/ must not  take this piece of evidence lightly, particularly considering one night I was sitting on the couch terrified that a blood vessel in my brain could explode due to the pain/ pressure this migraine was causing, and I should really consider going to A&E.  I didn't; partly because I was too ashamed, and the other reason being I thought it was me just been overly dramatic (suck it up and ride it out). According to the doctor, no I wasn't been overly dramatic, as he said headaches that are very painful and come on instantly are the ones to be weary of.....

Good news for me however

(1) Headache went this morning, and body aches gone.  Just left with a tremendous cough, I sound like a 3 pack a day smoker...
(2). Have not had a drink.  This has been relatively easy, due to feeling absolutely crap. Mind you my little friend the alcohol nemesis, kept telling me it is ok you will feel like a drink when when you are feeling better..... Must be careful as history tells me this is when I fold....

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